My New Apartment Pictures Online
I just downloaded
Picassa and signed up with which means all my new home pictures can be easily uploaded to the web and linked to my blog... i'll let you know how simple it actually is (and i'll be expecting you to let me know how good it looks !)
Uploading Pictures has always been my problem. You know how it is, you take a good quality picture but its too big to upload nicely to a web page. Apparantly (so I'm told) Picassa makes it all very simple. | 
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Home Child Proofing - Be Safe !
Think your home is child-safe? It probably isn't as safe as it could be. Consider this:
- Half of all childhood injuries occur in the home.
- More than 1,000 children die from ingesting poistion.
- Over 4,000,000 children go to the hospital after ingesting poison or medications found in the home.
The kitchen can be one of the most hazardous areas for children. Large appliances, kitchen tools, and poisonous chemicals are not only fascinating discoveries for children, but are often on "kid-level".
- Locker drawers and kitchen doors are your best preventive measure. A drawer full of kitchen utensils is a dangerous find for little ones. And many homeowners store poisonous household chemicals and pesticides under the sink, easily accessible to children. Special locks can be added to cabinet handles, as well as the inside of drawers.
- To prevent the risk of burn injuries, take a good look at the stove. Purchase knob covers to lock the controls and always keep hot pans on the back burners with the handles pointed away from the edges. Keeping hot drinks away from countertop edges is yet another way to prevent burn injuries to your child.
Living Room
- Get down to a child's level to see the room from his or her perspective. Take a good look at items on the floor. Are they potentially hazardous? Be aware of electrical cord placement. Make sure the cords are away from toys or other items that would attract a child. Cords should be secured to prevent tripping. Corner guards should be applied to sharp edges of tables to prevent injuries to toddlers who are just learning to walk.
- Stairs are often very dangerous for children. A child gate (not a pet gate) should be secured to the strongest part of the top of the stairs. All banisters and railings should be checked for sturdiness and repaired as necessary.
- Side slats on the crib should be close together to prevent the child from slipping his or her head through and becoming trapped or choked. The slats should be no greater than 2-3/8" apart.
- Test the room between the mattress and the crib. There should be room for no more than 2 fingers' width. This will prevent the child from rolling into the space.
- Outlet covers -- costing less than $1 each -- are a safety necessity to protect children learning to walk or crawl. Add outlet covers to all open, unused outlets.
- Don't leave long cords -- in which the child can become entangled and choke --on blinds or curtains.
- Use window guards to prevent windows from being raised more than 5" -- through which a child could fall.
- Keep the toilet lid down or the door locked.
- Never leave a child unattended in the bath. Use bath mats to prevent slipping. | 
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Stud Finder (not what you think!)
So the work begins in our new home....
When you buy a new home, one of the many things that are missing are towel bars and toilet paper holders. The first thing I want is easy access to my T.P., ya know. After drilling the 10th hole to mount my first towel bar support, and not hitting stud one, I thought the simplest thing would to do would be to obtain something we all look for - a stud finder. Off to Sears.
Sears 60573 SpotLite® Stud Finder
There were several options available, but I went for the deep scanning one. It will scan through surfaces up to 1-½" deep AND scan for hot AC voltage, another bonus. The SpotLite® gives a bright beam of light when it finds a stud edge. It positively glows when it reaches the center of the stud. Oh my hero! It also has AC WireWarning® to let you know when you are near hot electrical wiring, in any mode.
Speaking of modes, you can switch this from normal range to dual-depth scanning, used for thicker walls and floor surfaces. There is a small slide bar on the front of the finder to flip from one mode to another.
The unit is approximately 5" long and easily fits my smaller hand. That isn't to say that you burly guys (and gals) won't find a comfortable fit. It's just nice to find a workable tool that isn't cutesy-cutesy and still fits in your hand. I'm so over those "women's" tools they sell. Screwdrivers and hammers don't have an ounce of oomph to them. And PINK, come on. We're women, not Barbie dolls. This unit is a nice deep red with black accents.
I'm finding studs all over my house. In fact, I've found so many studs, it looks like a bordello. No, seriously, it has been wonderful to hang shelves, towel bars, pictures and the ever important T.P. holder without having to respackle every wall in my house. It hasn't failed me yet. When it lights up, sure enough I've found me a stud. | 
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How to Clean a Fridge
So in anticipation of our move, in a few weeks, we've begun the spring clean (or autumn clean to be more accurate), everything we're taking with us must be in pristine condition for the removal men to break !
Anyhow, so one of my duties was to clean and prepare the fridge... now apparantly you have to be careful because of food contamination, delicate plastics and machinary... so I did my research like a good boy and found the following great step by step guide... check it out guys. | 
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Best Bed in the World !

I want one of these. Its simple. I want I want I want... No i'm not a 5 year old child, but my wife and I are on the lookout for a new bed for our new appartment (move in date now only 4 weeks).
I came accross this, I want one. I have no idea what it costs, I dont care, its just the coolest bed in the world
It is essentially a bed suspended in midair (well, sort of) that makes it seem like all your troubles will float away as you settle in for a good night's rest. The mattress extends beyond the platform which is hinged to the wall. The central leg offers additional support. | 
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Organize Bathrooms in 3 Easy Steps
Be able to find what you need when you need it. No more searching for a q-tip or looking for lost bottles of lotion.
3 Steps to Success
- Sort into like with like piles. No brainer toss list:
- Bottles with too little to save
- Samples for things you do not use
- Gifts with makeup purchased in colors you do not wear
- Expired medications
- Tub toys that are mildewed
- Old and worn toothbrushes
- Excessive duplicates of items
- Contain and label
- Store like with like in small containers clearly labeled
- Label the shelves in the closet and the medicine cabinet (it makes it easier to find, to put things away and to know what you are out of)
- Hang an over the door pantry organizer or a shoe holder on the back of the door and fill with bottles, the scale, tub toys and so on
- Use a cutlery tray on the drawer to organize your makeup
- Make a few first aid kits by category- minor scrap, sprain, major cut etc. this avoid you having to weed through a large box of stuff for a band aid
- Separate the medications by type and store them in small containers, allergy, cold and flu, headache etc.
- Keep a basket just for the samples you receive so you can put out for guests to use
- Place barrettes on a decorative strand of ribbon
- Place scrunchies on a paper towel roll
- Designate what shelf will be for what in the medicine cabinet use under the shelf organizers for items like the toothpaste and razors
- Use organizers on the backs of the cabinet doors to maximize your space
- Keep the inside of the shower clutter free by giving each member of the family a shower caddy which they bring to the shower, use and put back on a shelf in the linen closet is a good storage place
- Maintain the space:
- Weed the medicine cabinet and closet bi-annually when you change the clocks
- If you don't use an item in a year, like a headband, let it go
- Store only what you use in the bathroom, keep the excess in an overflow space, this also goes for items like barrettes, if you have too many, place some in a sip lock bag and tuck them away for future use so you can shop at home when you need more
- Tidy up daily, a few minutes a day means no marathon cleaning sessions weekly
- Keep touch up cleaning supplies handy like wipes for the sink
- Make a new family rule, for example, "in our family if we finish it we replace it. | 
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Feng Shui without a Zen Master
Feng Shui is a complex art. But there are some principles of the ancient system of harmony that can be easily applied. These don't fit exact Feng Shui guidelines, but do greatly improve your living or workspace. Doing this can effect positive changes in your life as a whole.
10 Steps to success
- Soften corners of furniture, counters or rooms with flowing potted or hanging plants and materials. This prevents what in Feng Shui are called 'Poison Arrows', (sharp corners pointing at a person). Doing this creates a flowing, more soothing environment.
- Do not allow dust, dirt or objects to collect in corners or underneath things and eliminate as much clutter as possible. In Feng Shui this is preventing/eliminating stagnant Chi.
- Face mirrors to windows if at all possible, otherwise to attractive indoor scenes. You don't want to look at the reflection of blankness or unpleasantness.
- Try to avoid placing your bed under a window or a mirror across from your bed. You don't want to be surprised by yourself in the morning. Also avoid placing chairs with their backs to a door; again, no one wants to be surprised.
- Place chairs and sofas in circles so that conversation is facilitated and encouraged Never make the t.v. the central focus of a room.
- Break up and enhance windows with colored glass panes or hanging objects. If you have a porch or deck, hang plants across it if it is structured to allow this. You want some kind of barrier between yourself and the outside, particularly if you face a parking lot or major street.
- Place windchimes in archways to facilitate Chi flow.
- Group decorative objects by element, (wood, metal, glass). This creates an interesting effect. Also include fire (candles, incense) and water (fountains, fish bowls, fresh flowers floating or in vases).
- Choose areas to group photographs of children, photographs of loved ones and certificates or other proofs of accomplishment.
- Fill your home with plants, fresh flowers and candles. | 
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Buying a CCTV System for your Home
CCTV stands for Closed Circuit TeleVision, and is a system of security cameras all linked to one monitoring system.
Because they are now much more affordable, CCTV cameras are now gaining in popularity with home owners to secure their home, home businesses and other personal properties.
- Evaluate your needs: Do you want to monitor general comings and goings? Do you want to see faces, merchandise, crowds? Do you need wireless or wired CCTV security cameras? Do you need an indoor and/or indoor cctv camera systems? Do you need a 1, 2, 8 or 16 camera system? What is your budget?
- Select the type of camera: There are two types of CCTV cameras, CMOS and CCD which are the image sensor. CMOS based cameras are cheaper but do not produce as clear and sharp image as CCD cameras.
- Select black and white or color: If you are going to use the cameras in an environment where the light conditions are very low, it is recommended to buy a black and white CCTV camera system. Color should only be considered for inside use with good lighting conditions.
- Understand light level: One of the most important specifications. Light levels are measured in Lux. The lower the number, the less light it will take to reproduce a clear image.
- Understand resolution: The higher the resolution number, the sharper the image will be. Entry level camera resolution is 330 lines, high resolution cameras producing better than 400 lines.
- Select a monitor that will match the resolution of your CCTV camera system.
- CCTV cameras system recorders: DVR (digital video recorder) which record onto hard drives is the best option. | 
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Choosing Art for your Home
Selecting art for your home can be an exciting adventure and a source of enjoyment for years to come. Keys to success are figuring out what kind of art you like, how it will fit in with the rest of your interior design plans, and how to exhibit the art to the best effect in your home.
- Discover what kind of art you like by looking at as much art as possible, online or in local galleries, museums, and public spaces.
- Another possibility for dealing with color is to choose art with muted colors, black-and-white art, or art that is framed in a way that mutes its color impact in the room.
- A wide light-colored mat and neutral frame create a protected environment for the art within.
- Make sure there is enough light on the art to show it off. Consider track lighting or picture lights if the art requires more light. | 
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Locksmith Home Security
Make your new home is secure from burglary...
We move into our new appartment in just over a month now (I hope)... the building is finished and final building checks are being done. Its nice to know that our security room will be certified and the fire dept will have given the building and our own appartment a clean bill of health and safety certificate.
But to be sure we are always safe and secure whether we're home or not I wanted to install an intruder alarm system. I went for the Visonic system that links to the internet so I get internet and sms alerts should the worst happen.
Check out the services offered from this UK Lockmith firm and get your
home security sorted by a professional locksmith. So now, our furniture is ordered, our kitchen appliances will be installed in a week or two and the security we need until we move in is secured ! (excuse the pun)
I'm currently looking out for a smoke and fire alarm system.. I'll let you know how this goes.... | 
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Kabbalah For Life
Madonna wears them, Britney Spears wears them, even global world leaders have been seen wearing them, the funny cotton red strings said to bring health and fortune to those who tie them to their wrists and believe in their power.
I got mine a few weeks ago from
Red Kabbalah Strings an official site that ships direct from Israel, the land of Kabbalah, milk and honey !
A few weeks on and luck has come my way, I got a pay rise at work, my favourite football team has won every match they played (almost) and a couple of near misses in the car has convinced me of the powerful aura that now surrounds me.... well, who knows for real but i feel good wearing it and lots of people have come up to me in the street to ask me where i got it from. | 
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Ultimate Lifestyle Football Site
I came accross a great website / blog for all fans of lifestyle football. For those of us too cheap to buy a season ticket to our favourite team or those of us so obsessed we need to soak up as much of the beautiful game as we can.
Its called
101 Great Goalshttp://101greatgoals.blogspot.comEvery goal from every game.... now thats what I call lifestyle football ! | 
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Gaddafi : Coke is African !
Just had to blog abou this amazing story. Our favourite Afro-Arabian Prince, Colonel Gaddafi of Libya has claimed that Coke is actually African.
Saying that Coca-Cola should pay a percentage of every can or bottle sold to governments across the continent. Gaddafi said: "The essential ingredients for Coca Cola come from African plants and so compensation must be paid to us."
Colonel Gaddafi is well known for his bizarre claims (and flatulence) and in the past claimed William Shakespeare was actually an Arab immigrant to England called Sheikh Zubeir.
Drink up mate ! | 
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How to Choose Carpet
Maybe a slightly odd post, but you'd bee surprised how difficult it is to choose carpet... how much of your home should you lay, what style to choose, what pile to select and what price to expect to pay. Buying carpet is one of the biggest minefields in styling your home.
So here are my tips on how to choose carpet.
- The amount of foot traffic your room has determines the type and color of carpet you choose. The more the carpet is used in a hall, entrance or den, for example, the denser the carpet should be.
- Be sure to take samples of fabrics with you when you shop--swatches, finished cushions, draperies, etc. Take home swatches of the carpet you're interested in, and check the colors in all kinds of light, artificial as well as daylight, to be sure they really are the colors you want and need.
- Educate yourself! Take time to learn about the different types of carpet construction before you buy. Plush pile is thick and dense while cut pile fibers are twisted so the carpet doesn't show tracks from traffic or vacuuming. Cut and loop carpet is used to create patterns, and wool or synthetic woven carpet varieties tend to look like sisal rugs. Berber carpets, which tend to be more expensive, are made from level loops that are not cut.
- Easy to clean and long wearing, synthetic fibers account for 96 percent of all new carpet. To maximize the life of your carpet, the Carpet and Rug Institute recommends cleaning your carpet every 12 to 18 months--before it gets really dirty.
- Many exciting colors and patterns are available today. If you are looking for something special, ask at your carpet store about plaids, low-pile prints, animal prints, nylon sisal varieties, novelty prints and cut and loop designs in two-color combinations.
Borrowed from : | 
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Furnishing a new home
Some very quick morning advice.
Just because some furniture shops offer 'complete home deals' doesnt always mean your getting a great deal. Especially if you end up doing some upgrades to different colours / styles.
I have learned that whilst it may be more time consuming, getting what you want and being hard on negotiations is better than opting to get everything from one place.
I'll let you know more later ! | 
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