Moving house has never seemed closer
So as far as can be sure, we will be moving home in under a week.
Having heard nothing from the construction company for a couple of weeks and eviction from our current rented appartment drawing ever nearer I felt it time to make some calls and prepare to shout and demand... a casual voice answered and promptly told me all is fine and key handover day could be any day now!
Fast calls to the solicitor to ascertain the final payment amount, followed by faster calls to the bank to arrange this final wire transfer and another call to meet the building manager onsite to conduct the final snagging list (on friday) and hey presto we could have our keys in days ! | 
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Help I'm Moving Home Soon
Help I'm MovingThe days approaching and the stress is not moutning but beginning to threaten. So between my wife and I we've spent many hours researching the web to find the best information and the best tips to share with you and importantly to help us with the change in habitation.
So far we both think this one is pretty cool has loads of top tips....
But we need your help.... some real tips and tricks to make our lives easier on and before the big day | 
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Completion date fast arriving !!!
Okay, so this ongoing saga is nearing completion. My wife spoke with Dimri, the construction company today. The update is as follows:
- Army have been and checked building safety -
CHECK- Army have been and checked safety rooms -
CHECK- Fire Dept have been and checked building safety -
CHECK- Fire Dept have been and checked appartment fire alarm and sprinkler system-
- Electric company are arriving this week to switch on and do final checks
- Local council are confirming utilties / post and other misc municipality buerocratic issues.
We've been told to contact our bank and make arrangements for final mortgage payment, they're hoping we'll be completing by the end of this month !!
yey !!! especially since its the wife's birthday on the 26th, now that would be a stunning gift.... | 
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How to Pack for a Move to a New Home
Some great tips here, which i've used before and within 4 weeks will be using again (I hope)... I havnt had confirmation of our move-in date yet, but apparantly everthing is moving on nicely and most of the health and safety checks have been completed.
Here goes... i'm already on number 2 in anticipation!
- Pack one room at a time if possible, and start with items that are least often used.
- Use sturdy boxes. Fill the box to the brim and seal the lid. That way, you can easily stack boxes on top of one another.
- Tape the bottom of the box securely so that it doesn't give way.
- Never fill a box until it is so heavy that you can't lift it safely. Spread the heavy items over a few boxes. Balance boxes with lighter items like towels or soft toys. Pack the lighter items on top.
- Use bubble wrap or newspapers when packing fragile items. However, newsprint may smudge so use newspaper selectively. Boxes should be marked "Fragile" and "This side up" to prevent mishandling.
- Label each box clearly and which room it belongs to. Write on the sides of the box as well.
- Pack a separate box of essentials you may need for the first night at your new house. Include items like toiletries, toilet paper, bottled water, snacks and a change of clothes in case you cannot unpack everything in time. | 
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